Owner of Khyber Restaurants, Mr. SudheerBahl; MBA IIM (Ahmedabad), Instituteof Catering, Hotel Management & Applied Nutrition,Mumbai, India - Food Service Management. Born to restaurateur parents, he acquired a naturalculinary flair as a second-generation entrepreneur,with over 35 years experience in the hospitalityindustry, creating and setting trends in deliveringleisure and lifestyle, “tastefully”. Presently, soleproprietor of the restaurant at Khyber Kalaghoda, Fort, Mumbai.
He has strategically positioned Khyber as “the” fine-diningdestination restaurant after it suffered a devastatingfire, under challenging conditions viewed by mostindustry pundits, as unviable.
MrBahl is well-travelled across the globe, have excellentindustry contacts coupled with a strong, flexible, andresourceful network of colleagues and associates. He has developed business acumen for critical investmentanalysis, risk assessment and leveraging.
Represented Industry interests before Ministers and seniorbureaucrats in formulating policies for the Hotel andRestaurant trade in Western India, while on the ManagingCommittee of the Hotel & Restaurant Association ofWestern India (HRAWI), since the last 12 years. Alsorepresented Western India for 1 year in the Apex tradebody at Delhi, Federation of Hotels & RestaurantAssociations of India (FHRAI).
Extensive experience in:
Innovative concept creation
Business Promotion and Public Relations
Team Mobilization and Mentoring
Business positioning
Vendor development and Supply Chain Management
Industrial Relations
Performance standards, evaluation and monitoring
Mr. Bahl is now poised to scale Khyber’s operations locally &globally. He has developed a dedicated team for Khyber Restaurant franchising. The team has years of experience and will support every franchisee and ensure that franchised restaurants meet the high standards we set atKhyber. The team has created a manual with all necessary standard procedures required to open a Khyber Restaurant and will assist the franchisee at every stage of opening the restaurant. The assistance doesn’t end there! We want to make sure that you are successful in opening and running a Khyber Restaurant franchise. The team will continue to help you through your endeavor with marketing artwork, event/festival concepts, new dishes, maintaining food cost percentages and whatever else is necessary.